Question: 1 / 340

Under the Trespass to Property Act an ‘Occupier’ includes

A person who is in physical possession of premises

A person who has responsibility for and control over the condition of premises or the activities there carried on

A person who has control over persons allowed to enter the premises

All of the above

An 'Occupier' as defined in the Trespass to Property Act encompasses a variety of roles. First off, it includes a person who holds physical possession of the premises. This could be someone who owns the property or who is a tenant, residing there on a consistent basis. Secondly, it includes individuals who have responsibility for the condition of the property and the activities that occur there. For instance, a building manager who oversees maintenance and operations of a commercial building fits within this definition. Lastly, it also comprises individuals who have control over persons allowed to enter the premises. This aspect of the definition is crucial for security guards who not only protect the property but also regulate access by permitting or denying entry to individuals. In sum, the roles described in choices A, B, and C all fall under the definition of an 'Occupier' in the Trespass to Property Act. Hence, the correct answer is that an 'Occupier' includes all of the options mentioned above.


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